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Real World results with almost 2000 OAGB procedures as primary and revisional bariatric procedure – the new gold standard?

Invited Paper

Invited Paper

8:30 am

08 May 2024

Conway 1


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Institution: St. Franziskus Hospital Cologne, Germany - North Rhine Westphalia, Germany

The application of OAGB since 13 years as a primary and revisional bariatric procedure in a tertiary bariatric center in a public hospital in Germany revealed an experience of almost 2000 cases with this procedure. During this time period, indications for OAGB and technical details like the length of biliopancreatic limb changed according to growing experience of the team and analysis of the follow-up results. According to its feasibility even in high-BMI patients, the BMI at baseline was high with 50.8 kg/m² (30,4 to 78.2). The 30d-mortality was 0.0%. If including the postoperative period >30days, there was one letal outcome (corrsponding to 0.05%). In total, re-laparoscopy and/or endoscopic procedures for leaks from gastrojejunostomy and vertical staple line were necessary in 0.35%. Baseline data, the changes of applied technical details and lengths of the biliopancreatic limb during the study-period, and other rare postoperative complications became analyzed. More than 20 national and international workshops concerning this method took place in our center. We published our analyzed results in several publications, also in comparison with other bariatric standard operations. Furthermore we studied late postoperative problems like gastroesophageal reflux, Dumping, internal hernia, and nutritional deficiencies and give our therapeutic strategies. In conclusion we are able to present mainly positive conclusions on OAGB.
