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How do I view the final program?

To view the full Congress program, sorted by date and time, click the 'Program' tab on the bottom of the home screen.

This view will list the program in chronological order. Click on the days/dates at the top of the page to navigate through the program.

This is a comprehensive list of all the content - to view one (or multiple) programs of interest utilise the Filter & Search function Icon on the top right hand corner. This will enable you to filter by session type, discipline, or room.

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How do I favourite a session and view it later?

Go to the 'Program' tab on the bottom of the home screen and click on a session that you would like to view. Click the 'Add to Favourites' button at the top of the screen (please refer to image below). Once you have added this session to your favourites, click on the 'Account' tab on the bottom of this page. Your favourites will appear in your account, click on the session, talk or speaker to view the session. 

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How do I submit a question to the speaker during a session?

To submit your question during the session, simply go to the 'Now On' tab at the bottom of the home screen of the app, and select the applicable session. There will be an 'Ask Questions' button where you can select the relevant presentation and then submit your question.

If your questions go unanswered during the live Q&A due to the speakers' availability, please use the chat function via to send your questions directly to them. To access the chat function, access the 'Account' tab then tap 'Messages' under the 'Social' heading. Tap 'Start a New Message', search for the speaker, and then start a chat.