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The Birth and Evolution of Plastic Surgery: From Ancient Roots to Contemporary Applications 




Surgical History

Presentation Description

Institution: Gold Coast University Hospital - QLD, Australia

The history of plastic surgery is a broad and extensive topic, dating back thousands of years to ancient understandings of tissue manipulation and wound healing. Therefore, tracing its inception to the multifaceted and sophisticated applications now evident in modern medicine is a major undertaking. This snapshot delves into key figures, milestones, and transformative moments that have shaped the field, emphasizing its dynamic evolution over centuries in chronological order.  Commencing with ancient practices such as reconstructive nose surgery in India and the rudimentary techniques of skin grafting in ancient Rome, the narrative unfolds through the Middle Ages, where innovative approaches to facial reconstruction emerged amidst the challenges of war and trauma.  As the field progressed, the 19th and 20th centuries witnessed significant advancements, including the advent of anaesthesia, aseptic techniques, and the foundational principles of plastic surgery established by Sir Harold Gillies during World War I.  This historical continuum of plastic surgery provides insights into the discipline's evolution, illustrating the amalgamation of art and science that characterizes contemporary practice. The contributions of key figures and the iterative nature of plastic surgery, where each era builds upon the innovations of its predecessors, shaping the field into its current diverse and dynamic state. 




Dr Lachlan Stephens - , Dr James Ryan - , Dr Andrew Lewandowski -