Presentation Description
Institution: Townsville University Hospital - QLD, Australia
Suppurative thyroiditis is an infrequent presentation, particularly in the paedatric population. It is an acute bacterial infection of the thyroid- a highly vascular gland that is typically resistant to infection. We present a case report to describe the presentation, work-up, and management of this rare condition.
The medical records were reviewed for a case of paediatric suppurative thyroiditis in our institution, and a review of the relevant literature is presented along with the case report.
A five-year-old indigenous male presented with fevers and cervical lymphadenopathy. After initial diagnostic dilemma, a diagnosis of suppurative thyroiditis was made on CT scan. The patient was successfully managed without procedural intervention on intravenous antibiotics. The existing literature is limited to case reports, small series reviews, and textbook chapters.
Paediatric suppurative thyroiditis is a rare pathology. This case report demonstrates successful management without procedural intervention.
Dr Mina Kaddis - , Dr Helen Buschel - , Dr Harry Stalewski -