Presentation Description
Institution: South West Healthcare and Warrnambool Plastic and Reconstructive Services - Victoria, Australia
Warrnambool Plastics and Reconstructive Services (WPRS) supplies a large regional and rural population, with a comprehensive melanoma service that allows patients to receive earlier, easier and hopefully more economic access to surveillance, diagnosis, surgical and oncological treatment of Melanoma.
This literature review aims to evaluate the cost effectiveness of rural and regional services, such as those provided by WPRS, to the Australian Healthcare system.
A search of the EBSCO databases for all peer reviewed journal articles that looked at melanoma, economic cost, diagnosis, treatment and access to services of rural and regional patients.
Studies show that regional and rural Australian’s tend to have the highest incidence of Melanoma, yet have more limited access to surveillance, diagnosis and treatment modalities than their Urban counterparts.
Melanoma exerts a large and ever-growing burden on the Australian health system. The reported cost of treatment increases exponentially from approximately $1681 for Stage 0/I/II to upwards of $37,729 per year for those patients presenting with a late stage diagnosis. Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment is beneficial for both the patient and the healthcare system.
Further research is needed into the economic benefit of regional services such as WPRS to the Australian Healthcare service and how we can introduce similar services in regional and rural towns of Australia.
Dr Rory Middleton - , Dr Courtney Holinger - , Dr Robert Toma -