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Radiation licensing for surgical doctors in Australia and New Zealand – a summary of the inconsistencies





Presentation Description

Institution: Auburn Hospital - NSW, Australia

With the development of more compact, higher resolution and lower dosage intra-operative fluoroscopy devices such as the mini C-arm, understanding the legal requirements and prerequisites for their use is in both doctors’ and patients’ interests. As society rightly demands, this is a highly regulated area of industry and health. This comparison and summary, the likes of which is not readily available in any government resource bank, reveals how variable the legal requirements are across Australian states and territories, as also compared to New Zealand. It forms part of a broader research submission that is being compiled to eventually provide to the State parliaments of NSW, WA, NT and ACT, as currently there are no provisions for granting a radiation licence or exemption to surgical registrars in these jurisdictions. Our aim is to lobby for alteration and simplification of these laws, as well as provision for surgical registrars within the legislation so that they, and their patients, can benefit from this technology.




Dr Alistair Mccombe - , Dr Oliver Chow - , Dr Daniel Ricciardello -