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Institution: University College London Medical School - England, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Females remain disproportionately underrepresented in surgery despite rising trends in women entering medicine. The visibility of female surgeons at academic gatherings provides a cross-sectional appraisal of inclusivity within the field. We aimed to quantify the prevalence of all-male panels (manels) and female faculty at major international vascular surgery meetings.
Retrospective analysis of international annual meetings by five major vascular surgery organisations between January 2016 and December 2021 was conducted. A manel was defined as a session with 2 or more speakers, all of whom are men. Academic stratification of all invited lecturers, panellists and chairs/moderators used H-index, number of publications, and number of citations. Sex was determined by speaker title, online autobiography, or the Gender Balance Assessment Tool (GBAT).
24 conferences were identified, totalling 853 sessions. Of 4730 speakers, 20.1% (n=953) were female. Of the 641 panel sessions, 34.3% (n=293) were manels. There was a significant reduction in the proportion of manels over time (2016=43.3%,2021=32.8%; p<0.05). There was no significant difference in manel prevalence between online (35.6%, n=16) versus in-person conferences (46.5%, n=268)(p=0.155). Compared to female invited lecturers, male invited lecturers had significantly higher H index (m=27.7, f=8.16; p<0.05), publications (m=178.2, f=37.6; p<0.05), and citations (m=4724.9, f=862.7; p<0.05).
Despite encouraging findings of decreasing manel prevalence in major vascular surgery meetings, only one-fifth of invited speakers were female. This study emphasises the imperative of widening diversity in vascular surgery, specifically in academic meetings.
Miss Aishwarya Shah - , Dr Maria Georgi - , Dr Aqua Asif - , Dr Monty Fricker - , Dr Sonam Patel - , Mr Arslan Raja - , Dr Alice Gargan - , Dr Kate Gargan - , Dr Katherine Lee -