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Exploring Evidence and Challenges in fat grafting and Burn Injury Treatment




Burn Surgery

Presentation Description

Institution: Alfred Health - Victoria, Australia

Purpose: Burn injuries have devastating long-term physical and psychological effects. Adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) have emerged as a promising therapeutic avenue, showcasing potential in reversal of fibrosis, accelerating wound healing, and scar remodelling across various injuries. With traits like multipotency, immunomodulation, and regenerative growth-factor secretion, ADSCs stand out as favourable agents for tissue regeneration in burn injuries. This overview discusses the current understanding of the biological properties of fat grafts particularly in relation to burns injury. The potential therapeutic mechanisms of action are explored as well as and future research directions for clinical implementation. The aim is to facilitate the clinical use of ADSCs in treating burns, thus reducing the morbidity of this common injury. Method: We conducted a comprehensive literature review summarising articles found using the search terms “Adipose Derived Stem Cells” or “fat grafting” AND “Burn” or “Burn Injury”. Results: ADSCs have been shown to target all phases of wound healing including proliferation, inflammation, vascular/lymphatic regeneration, remodelling and chronic inflammation. In vivo and clinical studies in burns injury models have demonstrated the therapeutic benefits of fat or ADSCs mediated by release of anti-inflammatory cytokines, increased fibroblast proliferation, re-epithelisation and angiogenesis, and organised collagen remodelling. Conclusion: This review highlights that ADSCs have the therapeutic potential to promote healing in the multiple phases of burn injury. Treatment that incorporates ADSCs and fat grafting could significantly benefit the outcomes of one of the major challenges in global health.




Dr Nupur Shukla - , Dr Emma Choong - , Dr Isabella Reid - , Dr Tara Karnezis - , Dr Ramin Shayan - , Dr Lipi Shukla -