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Experiences using Remplir nerve wrap for peripheral nerve repairs


Presentation Description

Institution: Royal Darwin Hospital - Northern Territory, Australia

Introduction: Traumatic peripheral nerve injuries are common presentations to plastic and reconstructive surgery units worldwide, resulting in variable degrees of short and long term disability. Best practice is to perform a tension free coaptation of the nerve to allow for neural regeneration. Studies investigating other commercially available nerve wraps in animal models report reduced perineural scar formation, increased number of axons regenerating across the repair, and improved functional outcomes. Remplir is a novel Australian made resorbable nerve wrap made of acellular type I porcine collagen. Currently literature only exists describing its use in-vivo on rat models. Cases: We present a series of cases describing the use of Remplir nerve wrap to augment proximal upper limb nerve repairs in ulnar, median and radial nerves. The nerve wrap was easy to handle, quick to apply and we found it reduced the number of sutures required for the nerve repair. No cases of infection were reported. Conclusion: Remplir is a novel nerve wrap product available to augment peripheral nerve repairs. Larger studies are required to assess its use and to investigate the difference it makes in long-term sensory and motor functional and any associated complications.




Dr. Thomas Whitton - , Dr. Shahriar Raj Zaman -