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Does fundoplication improve outcomes in patients with Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR) who do not have concurrent Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD) – a systematic review




Upper GI Surgery

Presentation Description

Institution: St George Hospital - New South Wales, Australia

Purpose: LPR continues to challenge management due to its uncertain underlying pathology, variable clinical manifestations, and inconsistent treatment outcomes. Fundoplication is a well described in the literature for patients who fail lifestyle modification and medical therapy with a wide range in reported success. Patients with upper aerodigestive tract symptoms attributed to LPR but who do not have evidence of GORD are a particularly challenging subset to provide a durable and reproducible treatment. This review aims to assess if fundoplication is effective at improving symptoms or curing patients with LPR who do not have underlying GORD. Methodology: A systematic review was performed using Pubmed, Embase, Medline and Cochrane databases in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines. Studies which did not report on patients with isolated LPR were excluded. Results: Five studies from 736 initial records were included; four single centre prospective studies, and one single-centre retrospective study, involving 114 total fundoplications. Treatment effect was measured using Reflux Symptom Index or multichannel intraluminal impedance. Follow-up ranged from 12-60 months. 45-100% of patients reported postoperative symptoms and overall quality of life improvement. 12-100% of patients reported a symptom cure rate. Conclusion: The current evidence does not show a clear benefit in fundoplication for the treatment of isolated LPR. In fact, majority of studies with patient series >30 reported only 40-60% of patients reported benefit. Further study on the pathophysiology of LPR in this specific population is required to better identify patients who would benefit from fundoplication.




Dr. Ramesh De Silva - , Dr. Amy Hort - , Dr Mina Girguis - , A/Prof Michael Talbot -