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“DIACNOSE”: A pedagogical algorithm to help structure exam answering technique of surgical trainees.


Presentation Description

Institution: Sunshine Coast University Hospital - Queensland , Australia

Background: Examinations are a routine challenge of surgical training pathways. This includes both formal assessments and informal bedside interrogations. Given the breadth of surgical curriculum and depth of knowledge expected, logical answer structure is challenging which may lead to disorganisation and omission of key information. Equally, a reliable structure can provide confidence in stressful examination situations. Surgical sieves have long been used to help prompt students and trainees to consider an issue systematically. We advocate a pedagogical algorithm to provide surgical trainees with clarity of thought in structuring sound answers to surgical questions. Proposed Algorithm: Use of the aide-memoire mnemonic “DIACNOSE” provides a logical and structured approach to crafting a comprehensive and organised answer: 1. Definition of the condition/pathology 2. Incidence (common/uncommon/rare) 3. Aetiology (including modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors) 4. Classification (either formally accepted or stratified into mild/moderate/severe based on key characteristics) 5. Non-operative management 6. Operative management (including options available) 7. Surgical technique (describe surgeon’s preferred option and steps involved) 8. Anything Else that must be noted to avoid serious patient harm Conclusion: More widespread use of this algorithm (similar to the “VINDICATE” surgical sieve taught in medical school) may improve quality and confidence of junior doctors’ answers. We propose trial adoption of this aide-memoire in junior surgical teaching programs with pre- and post-adoption surveys of junior and senior surgeons on answer quality.




Dr James Ryan - , Dr Harrison Theile - , Dr Ryan Livingston -