Presentation Description
Institution: Women's and Children's Hospital - SA, Australia
Bromelain-based enzymatic debridement is a new and evolving treatment strategy developed for the management of acute burns. Bromelain, a concentration of proteolytic enzymes derived from the stems of pineapple plants, enzymatically and selectively debrides burn eschar and can used as an alternative to surgical excision. As normal, unburned tissue is essentially unaffected by the concentrate, intact and viable dermis is preserved which encourages spontaneous re-epithelialisation and healing of burned tissue. Multiple large, multi-centre trials and systematic reviews have been performed assessing the efficacy, safety, results and outcomes of enzymatic burn debridement and this review will aim to summarise the existing literature. Efficacy of debridement, time to complete eschar removal, time to wound closure, complications, cosmetic and functional outcome, and overall patient experience will all be evaluated and presented in this review. This review will also assess the efficacy and safety of enzymatic debridement of circumferential burns.
Dr Anton Alvaro - , Dr George Dounas - , Dr Lucinda Van De Ven -