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An audit of paediatric en bloc renal transplantation: a single centre experience

Verbal Presentation

Verbal Presentation

11:40 am

06 May 2024

Bealey 3


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Presentation Description

Institution: Royal Adelaide Hospital - South Australia , Australia

Purpose: To assess the surgical outcomes of patients who underwent paediatric en bloc renal transplants at Central and Northern Adelaide Renal and Transplantation Services (CNARTS). Methods: Prospectively collected data for all patients who underwent paediatric en bloc renal transplants at CNARTS between 1 January 1994 and 31 December 2023 was analysed. Results: 10 patients underwent paediatric en block renal transplants, 6 male and 4 female. The youngest donor was 4 months old and the oldest was 6 years old (mean age 2.59 ± 1.53 years). All donations were made following brain death. The mean age of recipients was 38.4 ± 11.1 years. In five cases, the ureteric anastomosis was achieved using the pantaloon technique by joining the distal ends of the two ureters to create a new ureterocystostomy with the bladder. In the remaining cases, the ureters were implanted separately. Of the 10 patients, two lost both grafts during the initial post operative period. The first patient had a graft thrombosis on day 2 post op, with the second graft then failing due to primary non function. The second patient had graft thromboses on day 2 and day 3 post op. A third patient developed antibody mediated rejection and lost both grafts three years post transplant. For the seven remaining patients, both grafts worked normally on follow up. Conclusion: Paediatric en bloc renal transplantation has the potential to increase the donor pool for transplant recipients. Our unit has done 7 transplants in the last 10 years, with graft function being satisfactory. Further monitoring is required to ascertain long term efficacy.




Miss Kate Santosh Olakkengil - , Dr Shantanu Bhattacharjya - , Dr Christine Russell - , Dr Santosh Antony Olakkengil -