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A Journey through Time: The Evolution of Anaesthesia in Surgical Procedures 




Surgical History

Presentation Description

Institution: Gold Coast Universtiy Hospital - QLD, Australia

Anaesthesia is vital to safely performing surgery in the modern day, and the development of techniques and science surrounding it has shaped the landscape of surgery as we know it today. The historical trajectory of anaesthetic practices, showcasing key figures and breakthroughs that have shaped the landscape of surgical medicine, will be reviewed.  Commencing with the earliest attempts at pain management in ancient civilizations, the exploration traces the arduous path towards the development of effective and safe anaesthesia. The 19th century stands out as a transformative era, marked by the pioneering work of individuals such as Crawford Long, William Morton, and James Simpson, who introduced ether, chloroform, and chloral hydrate, respectively, revolutionizing surgical pain relief and local anaesthesia. As the field progressed, the 20th century witnessed the refinement of anaesthetic techniques, the advent of safer agents like halothane, and the introduction of muscle relaxants. Innovations in monitoring and the establishment of anaesthesiology as a distinct medical specialty further contributed to the enhancement of patient safety.  The pivotal moments such as the discovery of local anaesthetics, the development of balanced anaesthesia, the introduction of regional and neuraxial techniques and their impact on relevant surgical technique development will be discussed. It highlights key figures whose contributions have significantly advanced the field of anaesthesia, underscoring the symbiotic relationship between anaesthetic innovation and the evolution of surgical procedures. 




Dr Lachlan Stephens - , Dr James Ryan - , Dr Andrew Lewandowski -